Here's what you need to know about submitting your Hackathon Project!

MARMA J CON Hackathon Submission Instructions

Thank you for attending MARMA J CON from January 7-12th! We had a fantastic week of conferencing, hacking, and networking ✨

If you participated in our Hackathon, Built on NEAR, and have not yet submitted your project to us, keep reading to learn how.

To submit your Hackathon project to our team of judges:

  1. Go to the Marma J Research DAO on Astro and connect your NEAR account.
  2. Create a draft proposal and include the link to your project (Video, Presentation, GitHub Repo) in your proposal. If you are submitting an Ideation, write it out directly in your post. 
  3. In your draft proposal, indicate the NEAR accounts of you and your teammates (if you have any).
  4. Submit your draft transfer proposal for the appropriate bounty amount (1 $marmaj for Ideation, 2 $marmaj for Pitch Deck, 3 $marmaj for Video, 4 $marmaj for GitHub Repo). If you have completed multiple bounties, you can combine them in one proposal as long as you include all the links to each project.
  5. The council will then vote on your proposal. If approved, you will receive the bounty to your NEAR account.

The MARMA J CON Hackathon is still open! If you have not yet participated, you can still create your project and follow the steps above to submit it to our team. Happy Hacking!


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