Written by: Serste

I’m gladly taking part in the early steps of the Marma J Foundation’s community growth, and I decided to make a drawing to celebrate love and affection.


Work in Progress Part 1:

Work in Progress Part 2

About My Process

I proposed the idea through the Marma J Telegram Chat and attended the weekly community call. After the community call, I wrote a short introduction that got approved by the Foundation.

The sketch was made with my favourite drawing tools on dada.art 1:

Once in Photoshop, I’ve started colouring, based on the Marma J Foundation’s mosaic colour palette:

For the inking I’ve chosen a lively brush to keep the hand-drawn, warm feeling of the initial concept:

The Final Piece, ‘Love and Affection’


Check out ‘Love and Affection’ on Mintbase.io.

Many thanks to the Marma J Foundation, especially to Chloe, for this chance to ponder and draw such nice feelings!