Astro DAO is a great governance tool. The council, consisting of NEAR accounts that vote on the DAO’s proposals and polls, can be managed by individuals or other DAOs. When a DAO has DAO’s on its governance council, this then creates a DAO of DAOs; let’s call it the Meta DAO for now, to also explain the process easier.

This guide will explain how to use a custom function call to vote, assuming that the DAO X has already been added to the council of the Meta DAO.

Let’s get started!

In this scenario there is “DAO X”, which is on the voting council of the “Meta DAO”.

If DAO X has been added to the Meta DAO council, a proposal will have to be made to DAO X to vote on the proposal of the Meta DAO. The method for doing so is laid out in the following steps:

  1. Go to the DAO X (the voting DAO) user interface on AstroDAO and create a new proposal by clicking the green “+” and choose “Custom Function Call”.


 2. Use the following input for the proposal (example input):

    • Description: Voting yes/no on proposal or poll #1234 (depending on your decision)
    • Smart Contract Address: The address of the Meta DAO (for ex. meta-dao.sputnik-dao.near)
    • Method Name: act_proposal 
    • TGas: leave default of 150
    • TGas: leave default of 150
    • JSON:

For YES/Approval


"id": proposalId,

"action": "VoteApprove"


For NO/rejection


"id": proposalId,

"action": "VoteReject"

  • Deposit: 0 (as you just want to cast a vote, a deposit is not needed)
  • Click on “Propose


3. Once this is sent, the proposal will be visible in DAO X and the DAO X council will be able to vote on it. The example below shows a custom function call that was submitted to the marmaj DAO to vote on the Creatives DAO. Since the marmaj DAO is on the Creatives DAO council, a vote that passes on the marmaj DAO to “VoteApprove” a certain proposal id on the Creatives DAO, the Creatives DAO proposal will have one additional “yes” vote on it. 

Please note: the last voter in the council will have to change the Tgas to 200. (The wallet will automatically ask you to use 300 TGas (the max.) if it fails so you can leave it as it is.)

4. After the DAO X council has approved the proposal or poll to vote on the Meta DAO, DAO X has officially voted on the proposal from the Meta DAO. You can check out the proposal on the Meta DAO and you should see that DAO X is among the NEAR accounts that voted.