The Marma J Community is invited to submit payout proposals to the Marma J DAO. Please keep the funding amount, that is being requested, to less than 21.19 $marmaj per proposal.

How To Submit A Proposal:

  1. Post a “New Topic” in the NEAR forums (please use the “marmaj-dao” tag), within the Marma J Foundation Subcategory category, outlining:
  • What project you are requesting funds for. (This should be the title of the post)
  • Your name, NEAR account, and the timeline you are requesting funding for.
  • The address that will be the “target” of the payout proposal.
  • Total Requested Funding Amount
  • What tasks the funds are required for (Outlined with as much detail as possible. Please add external links where appropriate).
  • Please provide a timeline and milestones for your project.
  • How the completion of the tasks outlined supports the Marma J community.

2. The council of the Marma J DAO will deliberate over your proposal by checking over the info submitted on the forum and leaving comments if necessary.

  • If your forum post is adequate and thorough, the council may decide to APPROVE your proposal without any comments whatsoever, this is perfectly normal.
  • If needed you can always edit the original forum post to add more information if required by a council member.
  • only AFTER your proposal receives an “[APPROVED]” Status, you should start working on it.
  • After you accomplish at least one of the approved milestones, post a comment with the appropriate links for the work. The council will review your work and leave a comment greenlighting you to make a DAO payout proposal. (Please do not move onto step 3 until your proposal gets the green light)

3. Go to the Marma J DAO and “ADD NEW PROPOSAL” of the “Payout” type.

  • Set “Enter receiver account” to the NEAR address that you are requesting funds to for your guild (example: “fotcp.near”).
  • For the “Enter description” field, add a short description of the proposal (adding the guild name and month of funding for example). IMPORTANT: Use the link to your [APPROVED] forum post that you have created in the same field after the short description.
  • Set the “Pay with” option to “Fungible Token” and the address to “marmaj.tkn.near”.
  • “Enter amount” will be the amount of $marmaj tokens that are being requested for the payout proposal.
  • Click “SUBMIT” and submit the transaction! (1 NEAR will be needed for a bond to deter spam, this bond will be returned upon successful completion of the proposal).
  1. Funds will be transferred from the marmaj.sputnik-dao.near contract to the address set in the “receiver address” field from step 3, once the council members of the Marma J DAO vote to approve your payout proposal.
  • Please ensure to check back on your post to see if there are notes from a council member (email notifications can be enabled for the forum as well) to ensure there is the highest chance of success for your proposal to pass
  • If your proposal fails, there will be a reason in the comments of your forum post. Please feel free to edit your post, taking the comments into consideration, and re-submit a payout proposal.

Since all proposals to the Marma J Dao have the “proposals” tag, they can all be found at this link.

This post was originally published on the NEAR Public Forum under the Marma J Foundation category. To view the original post, click here.