By: vanengs.near

Hanna, Eklear, and Lumier formed friendship in a town on MarmaJ Island. Hannah was strolling down the beach when she came across a girl crying and decided to approach her.

Hanna: What’s the matter with you?
Eklear I’ve been up all night on the beach because I wasn’t able to eat last night.
Hanna: You’re serious? Would you like to join me when I return home?
Eklear: I’m shy, you have no idea who I am, and I have no idea who you are.
Hanna: Then let us introduce ourselves. Allow me to speak first. Hanna is my name. That’s all there is to it; you already know who I am. Come eat whatever you want with me. Ohh wait  – what is your name?
Eklear: I’m Eklear. You’re so kind. You must be quite affluent.
(It’s entertaining to watch them both laugh at the same time.)
Hanna: My carriage isn’t far away; let’s go ahead and board it so we can eat together. Eklear, let’s go!
Eklear: Wow, you have a carriage as well. I’m sure you’re very wealthy.
(Instead of responding to Eklear’s questions, Hannah put her into the carriage and drove her to the palace.)

Hannah laughs at Eklear’s reaction as they enter the palace. Eklear was stunned, and she soon realized that the lady who looked after her in this enormous mansion was a princess. Eklear bowed and apologized.

Eklear: Pardon me, your highness, but I didn’t realize you were a princess immediately because you didn’t inform me.
Hanna: Please relax. You are now my friend. Please accept my invitation. If I told you who I am, you wouldn’t have come.

They exchanged smiles, knowing that if Hanna claimed to be a princess, Eklear would not approach her immediately. Hanna Hanna brought Eklear to the palace’s dining area, where she was once again surprised by what she witnessed. The table was piled high with various foods.

Hanna: Eklear, I thought you were starving?
Eklear: We-wait! Is this true, Your Majesty? It’s awkward to stand next to you, my dear princess, because there’s a lot of food, a lot of chairs, the size of your table, and the size of the palace. This is the first time I’ve come across something like this.

At the same time, Eklear’s stomach grumbled. Hanna laughed and looked at her.

Hanna: See? Haha, you’re so hungry, so sit down and take a bath after I give you clothing.
Eklear: Really? Are you serious? That is overwhelming. For me, food is enough. But, my dear princess, thank you.

Hanna chuckled. While eating, they talked to each other as if they had known each other for a long time.
Eklear: Your Highness, what were you up to on the beach earlier?

Hanna: I’m simply relaxing, enjoying the sea breeze. Aren’t you curious why is there so much food here today? The meeting of the princes and princesses has been cancelled. In reality, I don’t want to be with them because they’re only interested in expanding their properties and developing castles. I want to live a regular life, thus I’m not going to discuss such subjects right now because they’re causing me a headache. I’d like to be content with being a regular person. I’d like to make more friends as well. Let’s get things done; we’re not hurting anyone.

While Hannah was speaking, Eklear burped loudly, and the two of them laughed. After they finished eating, Hanna brought Eklear to her room and assisted her in choosing her clothes. Hanna instructed her attendants to dress Eklear after she had a bath.

This kid turned out to be far more beautiful without a layer of dirt obscuring her features.

Hanna: You’re really gorgeous, Eklear.
Eklear: Princess, thank you so much for giving me everything. You’re a generous and kind person.
Hanna: Please call me Hanna, and let’s go for another beach walk.

They went back to the beach for a walk and collect seashells.

Eklear: Hanna, let’s go here; the seashells are wonderful.
The two kids also spent several hours playing the game, having so much fun that they were completely clueless that they had escaped Hanna’s guardians.
Hanna: (muttering): I hope our friendship remains like this for all time.

They were sitting on the sand, looking up at the sky. Something moved suddenly among the pond’s rocks. They leapt to their feet and dashed to the location where someone was moving. They were surprised when they approached the rocky outcrop and simultaneously exclaimed.

Eklear and Hanna: Waahhhhhhhhhh! Mermaid!!!
A mermaid with pink hair: Please don’t hurt me.
Hanna: She’s speaking now! She is a mermaid!
Eklear: So the mermaid rumors are true!
Mermaid: I’m trying to move away. I don’t want to harm myself. Allow me to leave.

Hanna: Mermaid, just a second.
Eklear: We’re not going to hurt you. It’s really unexpected to see a lovely little mermaid here. You are breathtakingly stunning.
Hanna: Mermaid, may I touch your tail?
Mermaid: Of course, yee-yess.

Hanna grabbed Lumier’s tail, which Lumier wiggled, surprising Hanna, who sat in the water. She was completely wet. Lumier gazed at them and they chuckled, which stunned and amused Eklear.

When they first saw the mermaid, they were absolutely dumbfounded.
Hanna: What a lovely gesture, and what a lovely tail you have. What’s your name?
Mermaid: My name is… Lumier, and I’ve been keeping an eye on you for quite some time. I’ve previously kept watch on your antics

Eklear: Sure, why don’t you join us?
Hanna: All right, let’s get ready to have fun. Let’s take a bath here because our clothes are soaked again.
Mermaid Wow, thank you so much for your welcome. Let’s get started.

The three of them were having a great time, and you could tell it by their smiles.

Mermaid: They might be looking for you at home.
Eklear: I’ll sleep here as well because I don’t have a place to call home.
Hanna: Eklear, you can’t sleep here, come with me and live with us.

Eklear: Hanna, you’ve been a big help to me, and I appreciate that.
Hanna: I’ve been happy ever since I met you, and it’ll be even better if the three of us are always together. Let’s meet up with Lumier here tomorrow and play.

Mermaid: That’s fine with me. I’ll be here first thing tomorrow to meet you.
Hanna: We’ll bring food and eat here.
Eklear: Lumier, what do you want to eat?

Mermaid: Just sea plants, Night is approaching. Tomorrow, I’ll see you again. I’m relieved you do not fear me.

Eklear finally agreed to live in Hanna’s palace, and to make her feel more at ease, Eklear volunteered to help in the garden and the kitchen, which Hanna gratefully accepted. Since then, they’ve been visiting ‘Lumier’ and spending every morning at the beach..