MarmaJchan Stories
Submit your MarmaJchan Story to participate in the MarmaJchan Story Contest
Led by Marma J Foundation’s Director of Lore, the MarmaJchan Story Contest invites storytellers and creatives to help develop our body of lore. Stories that we select to add to our body of lore will be made accessible on the website and will act as prompts for the creation and pairing of digital art. Stories that are selected will earn the creator a bounty of up to 5 $marmaj tokens.* Participants can submit up to a maximum of two stories.
- Submissions must feature MarmaJchan displaying the values of love and positivity
- Submissions should be between 500 to 1000 words
- Submissions may be submitted in any language
Stories should feature MarmaJchan as the main character reacting to a situation in a way which shows love and positivity as well as curiousity, caring, and a sense of community. The story should have enough description to enhance the reader’s understanding of setting. Very good stories weave setting description into dialogue and action to bring the reader into the story.
Stories in which MarmaJchan appears at the end of a story to ‘save the day’ will not be accepted as these types of stories do not work towards characterizing her personality.
Upon submission, our Director of Lore will get in touch to discuss to what extent editing is required and will provide general feedback. Stories that are selected will be posted to the website, credited to the creator, and stories will continue to be added until we reach a maximum of 30 stories.
To read an example of a story featuring MarmaJchan, click here.
Good luck!
*If a submitted story is selected but requires heavy editing to enhance clarity, between 1 and 2.5 $marmaj tokens will be deducted from the bounty and redirected to the editor.
IMPORTANT: Please note that all submissions are creative commons by attribution.