A DAO is a structure that has no central governing body and whose members share a common goal to act in the best interest of the entity in this case, the Marma J Gaming DAO, a Sub-DAO of the Marma J DAO, is a decentralized organization that will be managing the proceedings of the Pixel Dapps ecosystem. The goal here is to educate and onboard gamers and game developers into the Web3 sphere by providing the tools and resources to gain life skills through play.

What is PixelDapps?

It’s a crypto-based gaming world where you can collaborate gracefully with friends, collect your pets for a battle, outfit your hero to explore dungeons and take part in raids, and gather an army to position yourself as the master tactician. PixelDapps has been acquired by the Marma J Gaming DAO, and is now the Marma J Gaming Ecosystem!

This video contains an introduction to The Marma J Gaming DAO and provides an overview of each game.

The Marma J Gaming Ecosystem

Four games make up the Marma J Gaming ecosystem; PixelParty, Pixel Pets, Cryptoheroes, and Chain Team Tactics. Let’s take a look at them!


PixelParty is an NFT Frame showcase built on the NEAR Protocol with a total supply of 600 tokens. Each token you own allows you to draw on a 20px x 20px frame. You could buy several connected frames to draw a larger frame. Additionally, all frame holders will receive small rewards within the pixel token ecosystem from time to time.

Pixel Pets

Pixel Pets is an NFT game for pet trading and battling. Each token represents one of a total of 60 different pet types. Each pet has a certain rarity type (common, rare, epic or legendary) which affects their strength beneath other stats like quality and level. The pets combine to earn/compete-to-earn concept via the built-in pet marketplace and by a few days lasting tournaments with a prize pool for the best players running each week.


Cryptoheroes is a blockchain-based game, focused on PvE looting, trading and forging items as well as fighting bosses with friends to earn PXT. You can enter a dangerous dungeon on your own, defeat evil minions and gather loot to improve your strength! Join raids with allies to defeat more evil bosses in epic fights and compete for weekly PXT rewards. Each raid consists of 8 players and the top 20 raids are rewarded each week. You can also place your items on the marketplace or re-forge them to improve your existing gear.

Chain Team Tactics

Chain Team Tactics is an NFT-based PVP battle simulator. Here you collect a minimum of 6 units and start to battle other players each battle is fought as a best of three and the starting player changes each round.

The Gaming Strategy

The next video explains the vision of the Marma J Gaming DAO for the upcoming year:


The vision for governance of the Marma J Gaming DAO is to adopt the $PXT token as soon as it is viable to do so. The $PXT token will be used to govern the gaming economy and actions in the PixelDapps ecosystem and will also be used for all actions in the in-game marketplace.

Gain Skills Through Play

Our goal is to educate & onboard gamers & game developers into the Web3 sphere by providing the tools and resources to gain life skills through play. Questions about Marma J Gaming? Reach out to us on Twitter and join our Telegram Group for Marma J Gaming.