Let’s give a warm welcome to another valuable member of the MarmaJ family:

Chluff – the well-travelled code skimmer 

His motto: “Trust code – not people.”

He started his web3 journey in 2020 when Uniswap V2 launched.

“It was my first time seeing an exchange rely mainly on automated market makers and passive LPs. I was curious about why they couldn’t just use an order book (like normal stock exchanges) and that led me down the rabbit hole of Ethereum and the EVM.”

After Ethereum and the EVM came – you guessed it – the NEARuniverse. He is currently working on NEAR-multicall, which is a tool that enables DAOs to work more efficiently. But more to that in a bit.

If you haven’t heard of the NEAR-multicall yet, fear not. Luckily MarmaJ is here to support and assist, especially for new folks in the at times the overwhelming world of web3. That’s why we’re happy to have technical pros in the community.


“NEAR-multicall is a tool for DAOs to vote on and execute proposals with arbitrarily many actions at specific execution times. Doing so, it bypasses limitations like the number of contracts that 1 proposal is allowed to call or gas limits.”

In simple words: a tool to get a bunch of functions/actions from a DAO going at the same time, without having to create a proposal for each one of them. This will be extremely helpful for DAOs who want to dive into DeFi or buy NFTs (rather than having individual members of the DAO own them). The project is currently in the final stages of development and the V1 is planned to be released at the beginning of May. Fun and exciting times, not only for Chluff and his team but also for all the DAOs who will be able to use the tool.

How Did He Get to Join the MarmaJ Family?

As we all know, the founder of The Marma J Foundation, Chloe herself, is a web3 expert and when it comes to tech, she definitely knows her part and has been very active in different web3 ecosystems. Chloe and Chluff got to know each other in the ref.finance chat, where he happened to be because guess what – he is also a member of the community board! 

For the NEAR Metabuidl Hackathon the MarmaJ Foundation proposed a challenge. A custom function call, which would allow the DAO to swap NEAR tokens on ref.finance, was needed. And Chluff & a friend of his had the answers in code. This is how Multicall started and how MarmaJ welcomed a new member and advisor on board. As the DAO is always looking for new ways to work on a technical level and how to automate certain functions, another tech brain is more than welcome.

Spreading Love and Positivity Through Code

The Multicall creator and full-time student spent his life between 3 continents, which introduced him to different cultures and political systems. He has seen geniuses struggle in some countries and wondered how could their life be different if only they had been born in a different place.

“No one has control over their place of birth, it’s so random but still can change an individual’s course of life.”

This is where web3 enters the scene. If you’re able to read code and actually understand what trustlessness means, your place of origin or current location is not of importance anymore. You can find free tools and materials to learn to code yourself, use the perks of pseudonymity and web3 and make your way up. 

While usually being surrounded by coders and developers, Chluff learned through MarmaJ about the difficulties of non-technical users entering the space, how to coordinate groups on-chain and what people want to achieve with their DAOs.

When asked how web3 and spreading the love are connected, he states that to him “web3 is about freedom. No one has to suffer just because they’re born in the wrong geographic area. This is a time when the vast majority of humans are controlled by non-democratic regimes and we’re starting to see governmental overreach even in democratic countries. I believe web3 tech represents a chance for individuals to gain back control of their own destiny. The tech isn’t totally there yet, but it’s the closest we ever got. This is my main motivation for building in this space. How does this tie into Love? Maybe a love for life, it is very precious, so it would be a shame to spend it under oppression.”

I personally find this very beautiful, poetic even, and given the latest political events in the world, it makes a lot of sense to show the positive effects that web3 can have on people in terms of globalization, connectivity and being aware of ownership.

What’s Next?

The plan is to make the life of the DAO council easier, through more automation and with the help of technical tools. Platforms like Multicall, AstroDAO, Croncat will receive new UI updates soon, which should help with that. Let’s hope that DAOs like MarmaJ are able to show the world what crypto and web3 can do to create a positive impact, provide tools and easy access for more people to join and discover this new worldwide web.

By the way, the NEAR-Multicall team is currently looking for frontend devs. If this sounds like a job for you or you got curious, feel free to contact Chluff on Twitter!

In the meantime, let’s enjoy the free materials out there (such as NEAR University for example) and let our life as DAO members become easier through Multicall!