By: nicolesuria.near
Nicole Suria

Every morning MarmaJchan and her grandmother, Marma Joseph, walk on the beach, as they live in a village near the shore. MarmaJchan carried a trash can to pick up the trash around the area while walking with their dogs, and her grandmother carried food and drinks to feed the dogs. It was their favourite time of the day: helping the local environment and spending time with dogs. It had become their bonding time.

“MarmaJchan come here, let’s sit for awhile,” called her grandmother, waving her right hand.

MarmaJchan picked up a soda can and tossed it in the trash, then ran towards her grandmother. She sat beside her grandmother, laid her head on her grandmother’s shoulder, and stared at the calming blue sea.

“I want you to continue spreading love and positivity when I’m gone,” Marma Joseph suddenly said.
“Don’t say that, grandma!” MarmaJchan replied with shock on her face.

“I’m too old, I cannot continue to fulfill my greatest dream anymore. And I know you can. I see how you love helping me by providing support to our local community by cleaning up the beach and feeding the stray dogs,” she explained with a smile on her face.

“What is your greatest dream?” MarmaJchan replied.
“I want to spread love and positivity to the entire world and be able to support more communities. Honestly, I don’t know how to do that,” she answered with a bit of a laugh.

“Maybe technology can help with that,” MarmaJchan suggested. During their conversation, their dogs came to their spot.

“I have a great feeling that you can fulfill my dream,” Marma Joseph answered and patted their dog’s head.

“I’m not sure, grandma,” MarmaJ Chan answered with doubt.
“It is okay, don’t feel pressured,” she smiled, “Sometimes great dreams are realized in the smallest of steps. Let’s go feed the dogs, they must be hungry,” she added and then stood up.

After they fed the dogs, they returned to their home. MarmaJchan immediately went to her room, opened her laptop, and did her research on a way to carry out her grandmother’s mission. Since she is a web3 artist and a developer, she dug into web3 technology and read about how to leverage it for social good. She stayed up late into the night.

“If I want to spread love and positivity, I need to find a way to earn economic resources which can be converted into goods and services to provide support for the foundation,” she whispered to herself.

As she researched more about web3 technology, she learned that she could start a community through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization aka a DAO. Since DAOs are self-organized groups that collectively makes decisions on-chain, MarmaJchan would have the benefit of a whole community helping her make decisions.

After her research, she grabbed her phone and called her childhood friend. “What’s up, MarmaJchan?” her friend answered.

“Hi Chloe, remember the time when we were talking about owning the web?” “Of course! Have you found a way to do that?” Chloe asked, curious.

“We don’t yet, but we will. I’m–” she began.
“We will? What do you mean?” Chloe interjected.
“You seem excited about this,” MarmaJchan laughed.
“Yes, I am! Spill the tea already,” Chloe answered and laughed as well.

MarmaJchan took a deep breath and began to explain: “So, I’m planning on building a foundation centred on spreading love and positivity by creating and supporting various projects and ventures in the web3 space. We will leverage web3 for social good. Sound good?”

“Of course! I love the purpose. That’s just like what your grandmother did for our local community. Do you want me to join you?” Chloe asked.

“Yes! I need all the help I can get. I want to start a Decentralized Autonomous Organization. It is an organization owned and managed by its members. To start a DAO, it should be made up of council members who later on vote on proposals that align with our goal. Maybe, you and Bianca want to join me on this journey?”

“Sure! As long it is about learning, teaching, and supporting others, I want to be part of it! I’m sure Bianca will love this too,” Chloe happily answered.

“Thank you so much, Chloe! I can’t wait to let my grandma know about this good news.”

As soon as the call ended, MarmaJchan slept a few hours and woke to hurry into the kitchen to tell her grandmother her decision about building a community.

“Great timing, you’re here. Taste this,” Marma Joseph said, holding out a steaming spoonful of chicken stew.
“Smells good, grandma!” she said and then tasted the chicken stew.

“Delicious! You’re the best cook, grandma,” she added.

“What brought you in here so quickly? Are you already hungry?” her grandmother asked

“No, grandma. Well, a bit! But first, I have good news for you!” she answered with joy all over her face.

“Excited to hear about it,” her grandmother replied.

“I decided to start a foundation with the main purpose of spreading love and positivity to support communities. With the help of my friends and web3 technology, hopefully, it will grow like a wildfire and reach everyone in this world who shares the same ideals,” she said.

“That’s great! I’m so happy! I know you can do it. I’m always here to support you,” she said and hugged her MarmaJchan.

“I will name it the Marma J Foundation because you are the reason why it all started. You are my inspiration, grandma,” she said.

And pulling out the chairs at the kitchen table, the two sat down to enjoy two delicious bowls of steaming stew.